A Picnic

We were given a special holiday after our annual prize distribution. So I and my friends made a programme and set out accordingly for the picnic at the beach in the morning. We reached there at 9′O clock. We unpacked our things in a hut. My friends wanted to go boating so we hired a boat to carry us to the island of Manora.

We decided to go fishing so we all started with great hopes but only a small quantity of fish was caught. We reached the island after enjoying ourselves on the sea. We cooked the fish and enjoyed a grand lunch. In the evening we had tea and spent a good time till the sunset.

We waded in water. Waves after waves were coming and passing us finally splashing on land. We also rode the horses and camels, it was very exciting.

The scene of the setting sun was really superb. As the sun sank we packed our things and after few minutes were back with the memories of the whole day to cur heart’ desire.